Product Roadmap Prioritisation Frameworks by Sumit Kumar Singh

Product Roadmap Prioritisation Frameworks Rundown

Sumit Kumar Singh
4 min readJul 4, 2024


Product prioritisation is not only one of the most challenging part of a PMs daily life, but also an essential part of the product manager’s role. By leveraging proven frameworks like RICE, the Value vs. Effort Matrix, and Story Mapping, you can make data-driven decisions that align with your product’s goals and your company’s objectives.

The key is to choose the framework(s) that provide the most clarity and alignment for your team, stakeholders, and customers. Regularly reviewing and iterating on your prioritisation process is also crucial as your product and business evolve over time.

Before we dive into each of the frameworks, let’s first look at which frameworks are used in which organisations.

These frameworks each have their own strengths and are suited for different organisational needs and product types. Successful product teams often blend multiple frameworks to create a customised prioritisation approach that aligns with their specific goals and constraints. Briefly describing them below, to get a helicopter view of these frameworks and how to apply them.

RICE (Reach, Impact, Confidence, Effort)

RICE is a scoring system that evaluates initiatives based on Reach (number of users impacted), Impact (expected value delivered), Confidence (likelihood of success), and Effort (resources required). It helps teams prioritise initiatives that deliver the most value with the least effort.

Key considerations when using RICE include:

  • Defining clear metrics for each factor
  • Assigning realistic scores based on data and past performance
  • Regularly reviewing and updating scores as new information becomes available

Value vs. Effort Matrix

The Value vs. Effort Matrix plots initiatives on a 2x2 grid based on their expected value and the effort required to implement them. This helps teams quickly identify high-value, low-effort initiatives to prioritise.

To use this framework effectively:

  • Define clear criteria for assessing value and effort
  • Involve cross-functional stakeholders in the evaluation process
  • Regularly review and update the matrix as priorities shift

Kano Model

The Kano Model categorizes product features into three types: Must-be (expected features), Performance (features that increase satisfaction), and Delighters (features that exceed expectations). It helps teams prioritize features that will have the greatest impact on customer satisfaction.

When applying the Kano Model:

  • Survey customers to understand their preferences and expectations
  • Categorize features based on their impact on satisfaction
  • Focus on delivering must-be features and performance features first

Story Mapping

Story Mapping visualizes the user journey and prioritizes features based on their importance to the user story. It helps teams break down complex initiatives into manageable chunks and prioritise them based on user needs.

To create an effective story map:

  • Identify key user goals and tasks
  • Break down features into user stories
  • Prioritize stories based on their importance to the user journey
  • Visualize the map to communicate priorities and dependencies

MoSCoW (Must Have, Should Have, Could Have, Won’t Have)

MoSCoW is a prioritization method that categorizes initiatives into four groups: Must Have (critical), Should Have (high priority), Could Have (low priority), and Won’t Have (not included). It helps teams align on priorities and manage expectations.

When using MoSCoW:

  • Clearly define the criteria for each category
  • Involve stakeholders in the categorization process
  • Regularly review and update categories as priorities change

Opportunity Scoring

Opportunity Scoring evaluates initiatives based on their potential impact and the ease of implementation. It helps teams prioritize initiatives that deliver the most value with the least effort.

To create an effective opportunity score:

  • Define clear criteria for assessing impact and ease of implementation
  • Involve cross-functional stakeholders in the evaluation process
  • Regularly review and update scores as new information becomes available

Product Tree

The Product Tree is a visual tool that maps out a product’s features and prioritizes them based on their importance to the overall product strategy. It helps teams align on priorities and communicate them effectively.

When using the Product Tree:

  • Define clear product goals and objectives
  • Map out features and initiatives based on their contribution to those goals
  • Prioritize features based on their importance to the overall strategy
  • Regularly review and update the tree as priorities shift

Cost of Delay

Cost of Delay quantifies the potential impact of delaying an initiative, taking into account factors such as revenue, customer satisfaction, and competitive advantage. It helps teams prioritize initiatives based on their potential cost of delay.

To calculate cost of delay effectively:

  • Define clear metrics for measuring potential impact
  • Involve cross-functional stakeholders in the evaluation process
  • Regularly review and update cost of delay estimates as new information becomes available

Buy a Feature

Buy a Feature is a prioritization method that involves asking customers to “buy” features using a limited budget. It helps teams prioritize features based on customer demand and willingness to pay.

When using Buy a Feature:

  • Define a set of features to “sell” to customers
  • Assign a budget to each customer
  • Ask customers to allocate their budget to the features they value most
  • Prioritise features based on customer demand and budget allocation

Remember, effective prioritisation is not just about saying “no” to good ideas — it’s about saying “yes” to the right ideas at the right time. By mastering these frameworks, you’ll be well on your way to building products that delight users and drive business growth.

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Do leave a comment on which framework is your favourite and which one do you use the most.

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Sumit Kumar Singh

Building | ex-Principal Product Manager @ Microsoft. Loves music and lives for the backstage action! Love the 0-1 launches.