Gaming and Product Management

Gaming and Product Management

Sumit Kumar Singh
2 min readDec 5, 2021


Free to Play Games and product management — dissecting the behavior loops and making them win!

Free To Play Games: While I was running World of Webinar — Discover | Engage | Grow, I connected with many a product managers, across various industries.. One such connect got me to #productmanagers from #gaming industry and I realized, Product Management as a function is like a Boggart from #harrypotter. It changes with the industry, product type, product life stage, org setup, maturity etc.

In one of webinars, we discussed on how e-commerce product management is different from Gaming. Particularly, for my interest in gamification, this discussion was very energizing as I could look at things from both sides. We discussed, Bejeweled Blitz from PopCap Games, dissected some Behaviour loops and game mechanics and simulated a possible roadmap. A fun webinar that was. Sharing the deck here for anyone looking to learn on the #productManagement in Free To Play games. There are just so many types of games out there now! I grew up playing Super Mario Bros, Contra, Jungle run, Road Rage etc. This was the opening of a new world order for me. #SocialGaming is here to stay!

Sharing the link to the deck here:

Key learning for me: You must tell the player on how to win! This is true for all products. You must nudge the user for the next steps. Help him to remove the pain points to experience delight and eventually build a habit.

Feel free to use the learning and share the deck with anyone looking to learn more on this topic.

Do comment if you liked the deck or any areas where the deck or roadmap could be improved and/or your own suggestions to the roadmap, and your insights into gaming or gaming product management.

Connect with me on linkedin, Instagram , twitter or follow my youtube channel. You can also book my time for your PM interview prep. Happy to help!



Sumit Kumar Singh
Sumit Kumar Singh

Written by Sumit Kumar Singh

Building | ex-Principal Product Manager @ Microsoft. Loves music and lives for the backstage action! Love the 0-1 launches.

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